Rural Aid

Rural Aid is one of Australia’s largest rural charities that provides financial assistance, water and counselling to farmers in times of drought, flood or fire. Other initiatives support its vision that farming and rural communities are safeguarded to ensure their sustainability both during and after these natural disasters.

Sign Up To Help Rural Aid

Rural Aid provides critical support including water, fodder (hay), financial and counselling assistance to help farmers (primary producers) who endure drought, flood and fire. Our counselling services and community programs also help to create more sustainable and resilient rural communities as we work towards stronger futures for all Australian farmers.

Established in 2015, following the highly successful Buy a Bale campaign, Rural Aid is committed to supporting and empowering rural communities to rebuild, repair and thrive both during and after natural disasters. Rural Aid has become one of Australia’s largest rural charities and is founded on the principles of compassion, hope, reverence and determination

Mission: To provide economic and empathic assistance to rural communities impacted by natural disaster by partnering with key stakeholders to deliver meaningful outcomes.

Vision: To ensure farmers and rural communities are supported before, during and after natural disasters and, to help foster strong and sustainable rural communities.


  • Empathetic & compassionate…in everything we do and everyone we deal with.
  • Transparent & accountable…being open, honest and outcomes-focused.
  • Supported & empowered…to achieve community and personal growth.
  • Ambitious & adaptable…in order to find solutions to new and diverse challenges.
  • Commercially responsible…to ensure the long-term future of the charity.



Sign Up To Help Rural Aid

You can also call us on 1300 263 800 to sign up.