You can fund your Trade for Good account in two ways:
- Direct deposit
- Macquarie cash management account
Direct Deposit
The direct deposits are held in Morrison Securities Trust Account(AFSL 241737), Morrison Securities is Trade for Good’s clearer and sponsoring broker.
Below are the steps on how you can fund it and make sure it is assigned to you.
- In your internet banking, create a transfer:
Recipient details
Account Name Morrison Securities Trust A/C
BSB 013 006
Account Number 838223531
2. Set your amount e.g. 500. In the reference, this is important to ensure the payment is associated with you. The reference will be your 6-digit account number.
To find your account number on the Trade for Good app:
In the top left corner, tap on the 3 dashes, and in the blue window, it will display your account name and number. If you have more than one account, tap on the magnifying glass and search.
To find your account number on the Trade for Good web:
In the top left corner, click on the 3 dashes, in the drop-down menu click Account, then Account Details.
It will open a new window called Account Details and you will see your Account Id/Number.
If you are unsure of your account number, call us on 1300 263 800.
3. Your name or business is optional, I put my name or account name to be sure. Then continue or submit.
Transfers can take 1-2 business days depending on your bank.
Macquarie cash management account
Below are steps on how you can fund your Macquarie account:
- Gather your Macquarie account details, if you need help finding then call us on 1300 263 800 and we’ll assist you.
- Log into your existing online banking, input your Macquarie account details, select the amount, and transfer.
Transfers can take 1-2 business days depending on your bank, when transferring if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us on 1300 263 800.
Where you can find your account balance
The account balance can be found on the Trade for Good mobile and web versions.
Trade for Good app
To view your cash balance in the Trade for Good app.
Tap on Portfolio on the bottom menu, then tap on Summary.

Trade for Good web
To view your cash balance on the Trade for Good web, click the button below to take you there
Trade for Good Web
Click on the 3 dashes in the top left corner, then in the drop-down menu Portfolio then Portfolio Summary.

If I have a macquarie account can I use the trust account to fund my trading?
Yes you can, when monies are deposited into the Morrisons Securities trust account.
Account Name Morrison Securities Trust A/C
BSB 013 006
Account Number 838223531
Recipient Your 6-digit account number
If there is a linked Macquarie account with credit(which is set up by default) the monies are cleared to that account and will sit in that bank account.
How do withdraw money from the trust account?
To withdraw money from the trust account we will need to link a bank account to credit the money.
To link a bank account to credit, click here.
You will need to fill in:
- Client Account Name and Client Account Number(the 6 digits)
- In Default/ Nominated Bank Account, tick Credit.
- Fill in the Financial Institution Name, Account, BSB and Account Number.
- Then in Declaration, add your name, sign and date it.
- Print, sign, and scan back to
- Also you will need to include a copy of the statement for that bank account, email that to
How do I make a trade?