Trade For Good's Charity Choice

Trade For Good’s Choice

Can’t make up your mind who you want to support? Trade For Good’s choice means, every 3 months we will rotate where your donation will goto.

Sign Up To Help Trade For Good

If you can’t make up your mind, but you still want to do good, select Trade For Good’s choice. Trade For Good’s choice doesn’t stay with just one charity the whole time, every 3 months we will rotate who gets your donations.
Also if there is an emergency like the bush fires in 2020, we will be able to donate to area’s in need quickly.

Question: If Trade For Good changes charity every 3 months how will I track my donations, so I can claim for Tax?
Answer: When we make the donations on your behalf, we will supply the charity with your account details. So at the end of the financial year, you will receive a statement from each of the charities you have donated to, so you can claim them on your tax*.
*assuming you can claim them on your taxation, depending on your circumstances.

Sign Up To Help Trade For Good

You can also call us on 1300 263 800 to sign up.